Register is a partial memory of the micro-processor which can be accessed at high speed. Internal registers are accessed with the helpof memory at high speed. Internal registers are memory that helpsArithmatic Logic Unit in assisting in the process of data in a centralprocessing unit. So in doing the job microprocessor registers are always used as the intermediary, so the register can also be referred to as accomplices microprocessor. Be regarded as a representativevariable.Register is a small portion of computer memory used for data sheltersprovided that the data contained in the register can be processed in avariety of operations to see how much the ability to accommodatethese registers. Most of the registers that can be on the 8088microprocessor is 16 bit registers except the high and low registers as well as additional data which can accommodate up to 32 bits for example eax, ebx, and others. There are 14 kinds of regiseter size of 16 bits (2 bytes). Register of varying kind and its work with the following details
1. general purpose registers are divided into four registers and the general
1. general purpose registers are divided into four registers and the general
purpose registers are divided into high and low, each of which handles
8-bit registers. With the explanation as follows:
- ax register (accumulator register)
ax register is usually serves as a register that handle or process of accretion
processes of arithmetic, subtraction, multiplication, and division. But it can store data data as well as a transit point data. Register ax divided into high and low are:
- ah register (8bit) as the high register is often used as an interrupt
service number on.
- register al (8bit) as the low register is a transit point data.
- bx register (base register)
bx registers usually serves as a basis for reference registers or memory
locations more accurately show the location of memory. Which can also
retrieve or write directly to or from memory. Bx registers are divided into
high and low are:
- bh register (8 bits) as the high register.
- bl register (8 bits) as the low register.
- cx register (counter register)
cx registers are usually used to function as a counter or if there will be how
much do we make looping or repetition. Or more precisely determine the
number of looping or repetition. Cx is divided into high and low are:
- register ch (8bit) as the high register.
- register cl (8bit) as the low register.
- dx register (data register)
dx registers usually serves as a placeholder content of the division of 16
bits. Is also offset from the ds register. Dx register also indicates the port
number in port operations. This register is also the address register offset
or store data. Register dx is also divided into high and low are:
- register dh (8bit) as the high register.
- dl register (8bit) as the low register.
2. segment register is a register that shows the address segments that have a
specificity, which is divided into four registers as well, namely:
- register cs (code segment register)
cs register function to indicate the segment of a program is located. Pair of registers is register ip cs.
- register ds (data segment register)
ds register function show segment where data is stored program data.
while the pair of registers is register dx ds.
- register ss (stack segment register)
ss register stack segment function is to indicate where the location of
the address stack. Are paired with the sp register.
- register of ice (extra segment registers)
register the ice does not have a specific task, but is useful for programming
registers to perform the operation to another segment that is not registered
cs, ss and ds.
3. pointer register is rergister who have a special duty to show the address offset,
which is divided into three registers, namely:
- registers ip (instruction pointer)
register indicates the offset of the function ip address of the program. Are
paired with the cs register.
- register sp (stack pointer)
sp function registers record the address shown offset from the stack and
stack address, which is paired with the register ss.
- bp (base pointer)
bp is the function of registers to read and write to the segment ss (stack
4. index registers are divided into two registers, namely:
- the register (source index register)
register is a register that records the memory address of the memory
contents will be used. Register as a source of reading the memory.
- register at (destination index register)
as well as the register reads the destination address of the memory for
writing data in memory.
5. flag register
flag register is a feed from each operation instance if we are running an interrupt
if it will live or if you are running the debugger if it will live. Various kinds of flag
register is of (oferflow flag), df (direction flag), if (intterupt flag), tf (trap flag), sf
(sign flag), zf (zero flag), and cf (carry flag).
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