Type this commend below to use the email collector we've been added before
We type "show Auxiliary" to see auxiliary
We use "auxiliary/gather/search_email_collector" and we type "show options" to see parameters can we use
msf > use gather/search_email_collector
msf auxiliary(search_email_collector) > show options
Module options (auxiliary/gather/search_email_collector):
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
DOMAIN yes The domain name to locate email addresses for
OUTFILE no A filename to store the generated email list
SEARCH_BING true yes Enable Bing as a backend search engine
SEARCH_GOOGLE true yes Enable Google as a backend search engine
SEARCH_YAHOO true yes Enable Yahoo! as a backend search engine
We use Domain to search email y**oo
There it is the email address for the specified domain. There are only example for auxiliary metasploit.
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